Vaginal Yeast Infections Universal Truth

Vaginal yeast infections are common with women. Most women will experience vaginal yeast infections, at least once, during their life span. Its caused by the overgrowth of candida fungus in your vagina. Though the fungus is naturally present in your vagina, certain conditions such as an imbalance between it and the presence of good bacteria will trigger vaginal yeast infection.

Signs that a woman is suffering from a yeast infection include burning sensation and swelling of your vagina, plus pain when urinating and reddening of the affected area. You A white discharge that might have an offensive odor could be present.

Several different types of treatments are being touted today as cure for your yeast infection. The most common form of yeast infection treatments are over-the-counter medications that work better on light infections. Generally the agreement is that these treatments are not able to totally get rid of yeast infections.

It is advisable to go to the hospital for a test to identify what you have, because of other infections such as STI (sexually transmitted infections) that present similar symptoms as yeast infection.

How You Prevent a Yeast Infection

Cleanliness will very much reduce your coming down with a vaginal yeast infection. Yeast needs a warmth and moisture to grow out of control. Keep your genital area cool and dry all the time. Cotton panties should be your favorite. Avoid wearing underwear that are tightly-fitting. And remember always that birth control pills can cause yeast infection.

Avoid douches. They kill off good bacteria that are supposed to check the over population of yeast in your body. Scented tampons and feminine sprays are likely to encourage yeast infection. It is also known that high sugar levels brings about yeast infection. Yeast is said to feed on the extra sugar in your urine.

Other Yeast Infection Facts

If your yeast infection becomes very regular you may have the condition called RVVC, which means Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis. Diabetes or high sugar levels can dispose you to RVVC. Most orthodox drugs are resisted by yeast infection forcing most women to take prescription drugs for up to six months and more.

The reason why you must ensure that you really have a yeast infection is that you do not want to wrongly self diagnose. Taking an antibiotic or an anti-fungal medication for a condition that only presents a similar symptom to vaginal yeast infection could do you more harm than good.

One simple means of avoiding yeast infection is to cut down on eating food with high sugar content.
Vaginal yeast infection is not usually very easy to cure, but there is a way out of your yeast infection. Clear Your Yeast Infection in under seven days.

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